Sunday, October 12, 2014

5 Reasons You'll Probably Quit Blogging Within The Next 3 Months

5 Reasons You'll Probably Quit Blogging Within The Next 3 Months

The level of dedication and willpower it takes to write a steady stream of content on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis is not something the majority of "newbie" bloggers possess.
It's not unusual for someone to rush in full of enthusiasm and ready to rock-n-roll, only to call it quits after several months from what is known as "blogging burnout".
There are many things that can lead to a blogger getting burned out, like losing interest in the topic you've chosen to blog about, so in this post I'll be covering 5 reasons you'll probably quit blogging within the next 3 months (or sooner).

Reason #1 

- You're motivated by money
Everyone loves money... in fact, money is necessary to cover living expenses and to do the things in life that we enjoy. But if "money" is the only thing motivating you to blog in the first place, you're going to have a very hard time pushing forward. I know this all too well... because I started my first blog in the "make money online" niche. And what do you think happened? I'll tell you this much: I certainly didn't make any money.

Reason #2 

- You've set your expectations too high
We all want to be the best at everything we do, I know, but when has someone actually been the "best" at everything they did? Never. I'll admit, it does require a LOT of ongoing work to grow your blog to a level of notable success, but you can't be the best at everything you do; all you can do is "do your best". Setting your expectations too high will only end up disappointing you.

Reason #3

 - You write 7 days a week
Every established blog you look up to is a content powerhouse. They have content dating back several years or more, and people as well as search engines return daily to consume that content. Why? Because people & search engines feed off the awesome content those blogs produce. Without a consistent stream of fresh content your blog will die, but if you're trying to write 7 days out of the week you might die (only joking :)). In all seriousness, though, blogging everyday, you're more likely to burn out.

Reason #4 

You're not passionate enough
Before I started blogging I would always hear the phrase "you need to write about things you are passionate about". As I mentioned earlier, I first started blogging about making money online which, to be totally honest, wasn't something I was very passionate about. I was in love with the idea of making money, so it wasn't exactly what you would call a "passion". If you're writing about topics you have little interest in I can guarantee that, in 3 months or less, you'll be done.

Reason #5 

- You've become a victim of "analysis paralysis"
We've all fell victim to analysis paralysis, whether we knew it or not, it just happens. It's natural for someone just starting out to want to over-analyze everything in an attempt to learn all the bits and pieces, but this is bad... real bad! Once you're stuck over-analyzing something, this can go on for weeks often months at a time and you'll quickly burn out; It's best just to learn enough to get started, then take immediate action.


There are definitely many more reasons someone starting a new blog might throw in the towel before actually seeing any real results, but these are 5 that I've personally dealt with myself.
Do you feel as if you can no longer continue writing for your blog? Is it becoming more and more difficult for you to keep pushing "Publish"?
If so, leave your comments below.


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