Saturday, October 11, 2014

How to 'dislike' something on Facebook...Messenger

How to 'dislike' something on Facebook...Messenger

Facebook is finally letting users 'dislike' something on Facebook, but there's a catch. There's always a catch.

Original Souce : Cnet

For years Facebook users have been asking for the ability to dislike a post on the social network. It only makes sense users would want to express disapproval for some of the posts they're subjected to. Up until now, Facebook hasn't provided an easy way to do this short of leaving a nasty comment.
Earlier this week, Facebook finally gave in and provided a method for users to show displeasure. But instead of providing a dislike button on status updates, Facebook has released a sticker pack for Facebook Messenger that includes a thumbs-down icon, as first reported by AllFacebook.

You can download the new sticker pack for free using the Facebook Messenger app on either an iPhone or Android device. Of course the sticker pack is also available through Messenger when chatting using the Web site.
In addition to the thumbs-down or "dislike" sticker, you'll find variations of the thumbs-up icon that's come to symbolize to a Facebook Like.


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