Sunday, November 30, 2014

Facebook Safety Check Safe you from Disasters

Facebook Safety Check Safe you from Disasters

During the natural disasters or any major disasters, most of the people’s turns into the social network to know about that their loved one’s is safe or not. Facebook understands it really well and finally it announces its new feature Facebook safety check on Oct 16, 2014 in Japan. The reason behind to introduce this features in Japan is, Japan is still recovering from the effect of earthquake and Tsunami which is held in 2011. Due to this devastating disaster, we got the information from the Japan Red cross that more than 40,000 peoples are evacuated and 12.5 million peoples are affected throughout national wide. When this disaster happens, most of the people in that disaster place used technology and social media to be connected with their loved ones.

After seeing this, Facebook engineers in Japan took the first step of reconnecting the people who affected by the disaster or who lived around that disaster place. They first built the Disaster Message board which makes the people easier to communicate with others. After a year later, they also launched a test of the tool and got a very huge response. These types of disaster happen too frequently and while it happens this team listen the people that how they use the Facebook. Later on this listening information turn into Safety check which is now available in all OS like Android, iOS, even in desktop.

facebook safety check

Facebook Safety Check

This Facebook Safety check is specially made to know the people’s that their loved ones or their friends is quiet safe who lives around the disaster area. This safety check is also helps to check about the others lived around in that disaster area. And by using this Facebook safety check we can mark that our friend is quiet safe. Let we see how this Facebook safety check works below.

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After the natural disaster or any major disaster, When the Facebook safety check tool is activated and you are in that disaster area then you will receive the Facebook notification and asked that you are safe or not. You may get a doubt that how they found my location? That’s simple. They will determine your location by looking the city you listed inside your profile. Or otherwise they also look you by where you use the internet last.

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If you receive the Facebook notification wrong, then you can mark that you are not in that affected area.

If you are in that affected area and you are safe means then you can click “I’m Safe”. This information will be generated in the news feed and your profile. By seeing this information, your friends also can mark that you are safe.

Note: The Update and comments of your notification you share can see by your friends only.

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The post Facebook Safety Check Safe you from Disasters appeared first on CyberTwitt.


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