Facebook messenger chat heads for WhatsApp
We all know that Facebook messenger chat heads notification is the one which was loved and enjoy to use by all especially because even when we use other apps Facebook messenger chat heads display our friends message as profile picture featuring in chat heads or message in pop-up bubbles. This pretty new feature was first announced by Facebook in 2013 especially for Facebook Messenger which makes very sad for all users because most of the users use WhatsApp to chat with their friends or loved ones rather than comparing with Facebook Messenger. Did anyone ever think that can we use that chat heads for WhatsApp? For those who thought about this will get the answer is YES. Let’s we see how to get the Facebook messenger chat heads for WhatsApp below.
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Facebook messenger chat heads for WhatsApp
To have chat heads for WhatsApp like Facebook messenger, there are currently two popular Android apps are present. One is Seebye Chat Heads and another one is Dashdow What App. Among these two, we decided that this Dashdow is the best one for chat heads for WhatsApp. This Dashdow WhatsApp is an app which is came from the company called Stallware on Sept 23, 2014 for chat heads for WhatsApp. Lets we learn how to activate the chat heads for WhatsApp like Facebook Messenger.
To get the Chat heads for WhatsApp similarly to Facebook Messenger, we need two basic requirements. They are
- We must pre-install the WhatsApp in our Android mobile.
- We must need to get Dashdow WhatsApp from play store.
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Steps to Get Chat heads for WhatsApp:
- Like I already said in the requirements install the both WhatsApp and Dashdow WhatsApp from the play store in your Android Mobile.
- Now you need to open that application which shows you the general settings in the screen. In that screen, you have the “ Notification access” menu which is in currently OFF status.
- Make the Status ON by click. It will take you Notification access settings. Inside those settings, the Dashdow WhatsApp has been unchecked. So, you just need to select it.
That’s all. Now you got the Chat heads for WhatsApp similarly to Facebook Messenger. Enjoy with your new chat head for WhatsApp notifications!!!!
Also See: Tricks to use Multiple Whatsapp account in a device (without Root)
The post Facebook messenger chat heads for WhatsApp appeared first on CyberTwitt.
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