Thursday, February 26, 2015

Google Loon Internet Project to India

Google Loon Internet Project to India

2015 will be one of the best years for all internet users who are living in India. The reason why I am telling like that is, First thing is Google Fiber that is going to launch in India very soon. And another hot news from Mumbai Google office is about Google starts to work with Indian Government to bring its balloon-powered internet and kite-powered wind energy projects to India very soon (i.e.) Google bring its Internet and Energy Projects to India. Let’s we see more detailed about Google Loon Internet Project to India .

project loon India

Google Loon Internet Project to India

The Project Loon is the name of the project. The basic principle of the Project Loon is to provide the internet for more than five billion people globally who are not having the access currently. To make the principle successful, the project Loon uses the high-attitude balloons.  The balloons which are used for the Project Loon moves 20km above the Earth surface, in the stratosphere. Project Loon also uses the software algorithm. The main purpose for using the software algorithm is to determine where the balloon needs to travel depending of the wind direction. It was first started before 2 years as pilot where 30 balloons are launched in New Zealand, South Island which offers the internet for some small user groups.


The Mohammed Gawadat (VP of business Innovation at Google X, Co- Founded more than 15 business) said in the interview that “By 2016, we believe we can start to launch a commercial format that allows us to have coverage on every square inch of planet Earth. We are working very closely with telecom providers and governments across the world including India to see how we bring this innovation here”. He also said that “The reason I say that is because in doing incremental technology, the economics works against that. You will spend billions of dollars in deploying telecom towers. For instance, if you have a disaster like a tsunami, all of the telecom infrastructure would be destroyed and it would take 4-5 months to restore it fully”.


Not only Project Loons, some of the wind power projects is also getting work by the Google. Recently the Google Company built a Kite like the airplane shape. The Kite gets helps from the direction of the wind to flies up to 300 meters. The movement of the kite also produces power.  Gawdat said about the wind power projects that “We believe through this we should be able to get a 100% improvement on the current renewable technology out there. It will be available at a much cheaper cost”. And he also said that “Considering how interested India is in renewable energy, we are in talks with the government to make India one of the countries to deploy this”.


The post Google Loon Internet Project to India appeared first on CyberTwitt.


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